I’m very proud to say that my son Jake is already following in my footsteps – check-out the action over on his Youtube Channel!

Sandy’s Service and Repair Centre
All makes and models – 4×4 Specialists
I’m very proud to say that my son Jake is already following in my footsteps – check-out the action over on his Youtube Channel!
At the age of 28 I was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer – thanks to the amazing work of the staff a Clatter Bridge and Arrowe Park hospitals I made a full recovery!
Obviously I try to promote awareness of this disease as well as raise funds to help those afflicted – a few years ago I was in a calendar – yes, one of those calendars! – for Marie Curie Cancer Care
Back in 2013 I lost a close friend – Mark Flynn – donations to Marie Curie exceeded our target by 260%!
I hope to do more things like this soon!
There’ll always be a dog around the garage – just isn’t right without one.
That’s Barney, our current guardian/greeter!!
I think every mechanic wants to own his own Garage
I finally got my chance in 2007, when I returned from Spain where I’d been in “The Garage” – a reality show made by the Discovery Network.
The local newspaper even noticed I’d arrived!
It’s been over 10 years now – still happily serving the locals and their varied and interesting cars, vans and other stuff!
Back in the early 00s I took part in a TV Series for the Discovery Channel – set in a garage in Marbella
It was quite the experience – here’s a few clips
Whilst I’m not a specialist bike mechanic, I’ve always owned bikes and often rebuild engines and/or customize them for customers and friends.
White vans – they are quite common, not always as nice as those 2!
We work on allsorts of vans from workhorses through customised minibuses and mobile homes!
Of course keeping them that was often involves delving into the oiliest parts…
I’ve had a few vans and pickups over the years…
That’s a Berlingo which I customized – yes, the front-bumper is from an Impreza, cut-down to size…
Pickups are always handy to have – did a fair bit of customisation to this one in it’s time here…
It’s replacement was a LITTLE bit bigger again!
Who doesn’t like lots of toys, quality leather and BIG engines – above is an Aston Martin DBS, surely one of the best looking cars ever made?
Heavy British Metal continues with this Bentley Azure Convertible
and this Bentley Turbo-R – in for rear suspension work
Always great to get into some older cars – above is an MG TF – in for a service and a little TLC
Here we have some classic Mercedes in for some TLC
Change of view – underneath an MGB, dealing with some frame rust
More pics from the MG TF
We don’t see too many US cars but here’s a Pontiac – in for some fairly major engine work as well as other stuff!
and finally, a 1930s Rolls Royce – not something you see every day!
I love a challenge and converting this Land Rover 110 into a fully working tipper was just-that
I’ve since continued that project by making a custom hard-top for the tipper – always nice to keep refining your work!!